

Here you'll find more about recent events at The Dower House as well as some helpful information and tips for enjoying later life to the full, whether living in your own home or in care.

Palliative Care and the Six Steps End of Life Pathway

Author: Sara Stagg

The term palliative care is often thought to refer to the care someone receives at the end of their life. However, it is often provided alongside other treatment and therapies and will usually start before the person is considered to be reaching end of life.

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What is Respite Care?

Author: Sara Stagg

Caring for an elderly person can be demanding and periods of respite care may be beneficial for you and the person you are caring for. Respite Care is the term used to describe temporary care arrangements that allow a carer to take a break from their caring responsibilities.

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Staying Active In Later Life

Author: Sara Stagg

Staying fit and active in later life is a crucial factor in maintaining your independence, ensuring you enjoy a good quality of life and protecting you against illnesses including heart disease, cancer and depression.

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Five ways to keep your mind active in later life

Author: Sara Stagg

As we age it’s not just our bodies that show signs of slowing down, but it doesn’t need to be all bad news. Whilst there is no doubt that DNA plays a significant factor in how we age, there is more and more evidence available to support that keeping physically and mentally active helps to retain well-honed cognitive skills for longer.

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Enjoy a taste of life at The Dower House

Join us for a tour of the house to experience the welcoming, homely atmosphere. Book a visit now, we’d be delighted to welcome you.