Nursing Care

Nursing Care (Winchester)

The Dower House employs a high ratio of nursing and care staff to residents. This ensures that you can get to know the staff who take care of you and enables us to become more like an extended family to you. We are proud of our extremely low staff turnover, which allows us to deliver excellent continuity of care. For your safety and peace of mind, a nurse-call system operates throughout the building ensuring you can easily contact staff 24 hours a day.

Our care team is led by our highly experienced Matron and Deputy Matron. They are joined by a team of Nurses, Senior Carers and Health Care Assistants, who have a wide variety of experience and many have been at The Dower House for several years.

There is always a Registered Nurse on duty and a senior member of staff on call, along with other members of the care team, throughout the day and night.

Our highly professional nursing staff are trained to deal with all medical conditions and ailments to an excellent standard. A minimum of 75% of our Health Care Assistants are trained to NVQ Level 2, with many going on to complete further levels.

We have an excellent relationship with our local GP surgery with doctors who visit residents regularly. We also request visits to ensure that, as an absolute minimum, all of our residents are seen by a doctor at least once every 28 days.

Having nurses on site means that we are able to provide many levels of care, allowing residents to live relatively independently through to supporting those requiring full assistance with every aspect of daily life, including administrations of any oxygen or medications required.

Our nursing team are here to help you navigate your way through any new medical challenges, explain any changes to you and support you to retain quality of life.

"Dad greatly appreciated the professionalism, compassion and genuine kindness "

"Thank you for the wonderful care you gave our Father. Dad greatly appreciated the professionalism, compassion and genuine kindness demonstrated by all the staff. It brings us great comfort that Dad was with people he knew and who cared about him on the last leg of his journey. As a family we are also very grateful for the kindness and care you extended to us. The smiles, kind words and hugs meant so much. We knew that you would take good care of Dad but the care we all received went far beyond that."

A. M.

Enjoy a taste of life at The Dower House

Join us for a tour of the house to experience the welcoming, homely atmosphere. Book a visit now, we’d be delighted to welcome you.